The genre for my proposed film trailer is horror. I decided to choose this particular genre because, through my findings during my audience research this one proved to be the most popular with my target audience. Also from my own experience with films, this genre has always been my favourite, because of the way the film makes you feel, and also the narrative of horror films is well constructed and generally the plot is tense.
Duration of the film trailer
The duration of my film trailer will be up to one minute long, I feel this would be enough time in order to get what I want my audience to be able to see, by also not giving to much away about the entire film.
Production Dates
My production Date will approximately commence in the beginning week of January 2012 and the last week of February 2012. However these dates are to be confirmed.
Format/ Medium
My format will be a poster. This will advertise my film in the best way in order for my audience to be able to see the advertising in the most obvious place. I would place these in places that my target audience will see them. I will also be creating a website; I feel this will be the stronger way of advertising, because of the age of my target audience they are surrounded by internet and social networking.
Target audience
When I constructed my audience research, one of my research methods was to hand out questionnaires, by doing this one of the findings I could get form this was to see what age the audience was who answered they preferred the horror genre. The average age was 17 to 22 year olds both male and female. The legal age to watch the majority of horror films is 15 or 18 so I think my target audience is appropriate for this genre. This is also the age group that I myself am in, and I know that a lot of my friends would enjoy seeing a horror film as part of a group at a similar age, in either the cinema or at home. This is also a popular age to socialize at which make targeting this audience easier, also for this genre and the age of the target audience it would fit into the market easier.
Target market
The age of my target audience is 17 to 22, at this age the majority are using the internet a lot, either in their phones or at home. The internet almost surrounds this age group. Also the television is another form of media that this age group will use. There for I will broadcast my film trailer through 30 second hotspots on the television and also advertise my trailer on the internet, by using my poster that I will later create.
In order to be able to produce my film I will need:
• Storyboards- This will allow me to follow my script in the proposed order, and it will help me to be more organised when making the film, and therefore the production will go smoothly.
• Camera- This will allow me to be able to film my script and then further it will allow me to upload to a computer to edit it.
• Tripod- This equipment allows me to film steadily, and be able to pan and tilt the camera, without an unsteady lens.
• Props- I will be using a few props to make my film look realistic.
• I-movie- I will be using this the edit my film trailer
• Photoshop- I will need to use this in order to create my poster to advertise my film.
• Boom Microphone- This will allow me to add sound to the trailer.
• Moon fruit- This will allow me to create my website to advertise the film.
In order to film my trailer I will have a production budget the cost of the following resources I will need to include in the production are;
• Actors- £150 each per day
• Camera- £ 75 per day
• Tripod- £8 per day
• Dolly- £95 per day
• Location- £60
• Wardrobe- £70 each per day
• Sound engineers- £85 each per day
• Operators- £90 each per day
• Lighting- £35 per day
• Props- £25
• Costume- £70
• Boom microphone- £25 per day
• Editing programme- Free 7 days then £15
• Production of poster- Free 28 day trial then £20
Total production cost is £3560
Total production cost is £3560