Friday, 30 March 2012

Evaluation part 3

What have I learned from my audience feedback?

Throughout developing my campaign i have referred to creating some focus groups in certain areas where i thought that my target audience feedback would be necessary to improve my final products. During pre-production whilst carrying out my market research i decides that i would show a film trailer to my target audience, and them asking them the following questions;
  •  How did it make you feel?
  • What did you like and what didn't you like?
  • would you want to see the whole film and why?

The general feedback i got was that the audience felt tense and puzzled by the narrative they also felt involved. They wanted to see the whole film but they felt as thought he trailer gave away too much. They found that the sound did not link to horror and needed to make them feel scared.

During my production of the film trailer i felt that it was necessary to ask the audience what they thought about certain clips and typography.
This was my original typography for my title of my film trailer and also the rhetorical questions that i asked through out. I showed this to two people in my target audience, this is the feedback they gave me;

Kate McCall: It uses the colours that are associated with horror, however it looks quite bland and doesn't stand out.
Daryl Adams: I think that i would look better if the writing was more bold and related to horror slightly more, also i think it would look good if the writing was in red and the background black so the writing could resemble blood.
 After taking this critical feedback into account i further used their opinions to design something different that would be of expectation of my target audience. I then made changes to my typography in my trailer taking into account the audience feedback. I swapped the colours around, to a black background and red writing, although the writing doesn't resemble blood here i feel that it uses the codes and conventions of the genre correctly. I have also edited the image using where there i used the vein brush to create the effect. When put it into i-movie i used the dream filter to create the glow effect, i am now pleased with my final design and i the product is now fit for purpose.

When i had completed my trailer i showed it to some 3 people from my target audience;
Daryl Adams 21 years old
Kate McCall 18 years old
Charlie Rawlinson 17 years old


I feel that i have achieved my intention for my final project, and how i planned it to be. I also believe that the product is fit for purpose and would be a new artifact withing the same industry if it was to be released as a film. I have encountered problems throughout my production, and this is where i used audience feedback to resolve this. I feel as though i could have managed my production more efficiently as sometimes i did not stay exactly to my production schedule, because of the unknown problems i faced and then overcame.
The first problem i came across when filming was the mirror scene i found it hard to film the clip without the reflection of the camera being in the image too. after several outtakes of filming this clip i found it was best to stand to the side of the actor and film from a low angle. Although i was not happy with this being shot in that way, i could not find another technique to overcome this issue.
The second problem was filming in the day when i wanted my film to take place overnight. I could not film at night due to health and safety issues, which i then thought wouldn't be a problem as when it came to editing the trailer i could find a way to overcome this, however this wasn't the case. After trying almost every filter possible even day/night my clips wouldn't look like they were filmed at night.
The sound was a main issue, after finally finding the correct sound and uploading ti to my trailer, i found that every time i would open up i movie to continue editing my sound would not work, IT solutions manged to fix this problem.
I am happy with the location that i chose to film at, and the props that i have used as i feel that they are typical of what is used withing the horror genre. 

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